Callisto is not an Ethereum Classic Hard Fork – Here is the Airdrop Info

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What is Callisto all About? Is it a Hard Fork of ETC?

The Callisto Network (CLO) is a new project based on the Ethereum Classic (ETC) protocol that is aiming to create a decentralized store of value that incentivizes users to hold coins. The details of which were unveiled in a recent update from the development team. Whilst some have confused it to be a hard fork of Ethereum Classic (ETC), it is in fact a separate blockchain with its own cryptocurrency that will be distributed initially via airdrop to ETC holders.

CLO will employ a cold staking protocol that utilizes smart contracts to reward network participants with interest for simply holding coins. This differs from regular staking in that users are not required to run a node and are not involved in validating transactions – the network still relies on PoW for this.

The update goes onto discuss how ETC differs from ETH in that its purpose is as a store of value, but currently there is no incentive to hold coins. As it could take years to reach a consensus and implement cold staking technology to ETC, CLO will serve as an experimental network for research purposes. The end goal being to eventually make the changes to ETC if the project is successful. You can find all the details of the Callisto airdrop and the best way to claim coins below.

Callisto Airdrop Key Info

How Do I Register for the Callisto Airdrop?

  • CLO will be automatically distributed to holders of ETC, so be sure to move your funds off an exchange to a personal wallet that supports tokens, such as My Ether Wallet.

When is the Callisto Airdrop?

  • The blockchain snapshot will be taken at block 5,500,000, estimated to be 5th March 2018.

How Many Callisto Coins Will I Receive?

  • CLO will be distributed in a 1:1 ratio to ETC, meaning for every 1 ETC you own you will get one CLO.

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